Patternmaking, at its core, is a formulaic and computational discipline, and I aimed to harness the power of code to streamline and enhance this age-old craft. In this endeavor, I created a Grasshopper script that begins to explore some potential opportunities that arise when garments are digitized and integrated into a computational workflow.
Digital Schematics
When digitally documenting the plans for a design, one can leverage digital fabrication techniques, which opens up avenues for innovative design approaches. By embracing digital fabrication, we can deviate from traditional manufacturing limitations and push the boundaries of what is achievable in terms of complexity, customization, and material exploration.

I crafted a script that serves as a sketch for a more expansive tool. Through this script, technicians can efficiently record and alter measurements using code, allowing for greater precision, flexibitity, and rapid iteration. This tool allows designers to digitally store not just the pattern but the calculations used to create the pattern.

Furthermore, when digitizing garments simulation techniques one can also perform simulations on them, which creates data that could further its design. In this experiment, I subjected the pattern to arbiturary simulation processes that in order to create data that could unveil new design insights.
Through the use of a plugin, I even ventured into the realm of particle swarm simulation, unlocking a new, emergent dimension of design exploration. By leveraging the power of simulation, designers can gain the computer as a design collaborator, whereby the designer can alter rules to create many outcomes.
I also subjected the garment pattern to Finite Element Analysis (FEA). This advanced analysis technique allowed for a comprehensive evaluation material behavior and performance under various conditions. By incorporating FEA into the design process, designers can ensure optimized functionalities in the design of the garment or use this information to inform an aesthetic pursuit.